How do I setup the auto-sign-out feature for my Center in Accudemia?

Accudemia: How do I setup the auto-sign-out feature for my Center?

This article explains how to set up an auto sign-out feature for student walk-ins in a given center. This feature causes students to be automatically logged out of a session once they reach the durations set.

1. Log into Accudemia.

2. Click Administration.

3. Click Control Panel.

4. Click General.

5. Use the drop down menu to choose the location to adjust. You can choose the college level, or an individual center.  Click View Settings.

6. Scroll down to Miscellaneous. Set the maximum sign-in duration - this tells the system the maximum amount of time a student can be signed in to the center..

7. Set the default sign-in duration. If a student reaches the maximum sign-in duration, then this time will be assigned to the session log and the student will be automatically logged out.

8. Click Save Changes.