Accudemia: How do I manually create session logs for student no-shows and unscheduled drop-ins?

Accudemia: How do I manually create session logs for student no-shows and unscheduled drop-ins?


Accudemia keeps session logs of appointments and drop-ins that students sign-in at a Center. A session log is simply a record of the visit itself. However, if the student is a "no-show" for an appointment, Accudemia will not have a record the appointment in the session logs. Administrators can manually add a session log for appointments should the student have actually shown up. This article will explain how to manually add session logs to correct student no-shows. Additionally, we'll show how to simply add them as unscheduled drop-ins.


Case 1: The student didn't sign in for a scheduled appointment and was given a "no-show" status.

1. Navigate to Centers > Appointments > View All section from the main menu.

2. Locate the missed appointment marked as a "No-show" by using the search feature on the left side of the screen, then check that records checkbox.

3. Click the Edit Presence button at the top of the page.

4. Select the Mark as Show button in the next pop-up screen.

5. Click Create new next to "Select the appointment's session log" heading.

Note: "Select the appointment's session log" will show a list of all the recent sessions this student has signed in for. So if it turns out they had signed in for it, that session log could be selected and associated with the appointment.

6. Click
Yes to confirm the creation of a new session log (visit).

Note: A session log will automatically be assigned to the student for the exact start time and end time of the appointment.

Case 2: Creating a visit record, after the session, for a student that didn't have a scheduled appointment

1. Navigate to Centers > Manage Center section from the main menu.

2. Click + New Log to open the "Create Session Log" menu, and do the following:
  1. Set "Student" as the Session Log type for the visit,
  2. Search for or select the Center from the dropdown menu,
  3. Search for the student, tutor, instructor, subject area, and services the student received help within their respective search boxes,
  4. Select the Start date/time (From) and Duration.

4. Review that everything is correct, then click Create session log.

Note: To verify that the session log was added in either process, navigate to Centers > Session Logs on the home page, and search for the student.