Accudemia: How do I enable the automatic sign out feature for my Center?

Accudemia: How do I enable the automatic sign out feature for my Center?


Accudemia allows administrators to set a limit on how long students can be logged into a Center before they are automatically logged out, as well as how much of the time they spent in the Center is logged into the system. For example, a college may find that its students spend an average of 30 minutes in a Center. To avoid the system needlessly logging students who accidentally didn't log out as being in the center for 9 hours, a "Default sign-in duration" can be set.

This means if the default sign-in duration is set to 30 minutes, but a student spends 6 hours in the Center, Accudemia will only log that student as having spent 30 minutes in the Center. This is to avoid time cleanup on the administrative side. This article will explain how to set a maximum time that students can be logged into a Center before being logged out, and how to set a default sign-in station to keep student time logs under control.


1. Navigate to Administration > Control Panel on the home page.

2. Select the "General" module.

3. Select the Center that requires the automatic sign-out feature, then click View Settings.

4. Scroll down to "Miscellaneous" and edit the "Maximum sign-in duration."

It's suggested to make this a long period of time. This is the maximum amount of time a student can be logged into the Center before they're automatically logged out.

5. Edit the option beneath this so that the first box matches "Maximum sign-in duration," then write a warning message.

This option is meant to remind students to log out on their own.  By matching the first box to "Maximum sign-in duration," this forces the warning message to appear when they next log in.

6. Set the "Default sign-in duration"

This is the amount of time reported in the logs to administrators. This way, if the Default sign-in duration is set to 30 minutes, but a student forgets to log out and reaches a Maximum sign-in duration of 4 hours, then the system will only log that student for 30 minutes. This is to avoid the logs containing unusually long login times for students who forget to log out.

7. Scroll back to the top of the page and click Save Changes.