Conference Tracker How do I create discount coupons?

Conference Tracker How do I create discount coupons?


This section allows you to create discount coupons to distribute to your attendees. The discount coupon can reduce the price of registration by any amount you want and can be a flat amount or a percentage. This is great to use if you have any VIP companies or attendees visiting your conference. The discount coupons will be in the form of a code and registrants will be able to enter it upon checking out after completing our online registration form.


1-Go to Advanced Options--> Discount Coupons:

2- Discount coupons list.

On this page, you have the list of all coupons created in Conference Tracker(if any), for each row there are 3 dots  wich will show a "Delete" button.

2.- Create a new Coupon:

You can create a new coupon by clicking on Create Coupon. You will have these options for creating a new coupon:

  • Name: This is the name of your coupon. This is for your reference only, so your registrants will not be able to see this name.
  • Code: This is the code that the registrant will use to activate the discount. You can put any combination of alphanumeric characters here. It's recommended that you randomly generate one and enter it here.
  • Description: This is the description of your coupon. This is for your reference only, so your registrants will not be able to see this description.
  • Type: This is the type of discount. You can use the drop-down menu to specify whether the discount will be a flat amount ( Amount) or a percentage (Percentage).
  • Value: This is the value of the coupon. You can set it to any value between 1 and 100.
  • Valid for: This is where you designate what type of registrant can use the coupon. From the drop-down menu, you can have the coupon be valid for All Users, only Attendees, or only Exhibitors.
  • Valid up to:  This is where you can set how many times the coupon code can be used. When set, the amount will automatically decrease each time it is entered and validated during check out.
  • Expiration Date: This is where you can set when the coupon will expire. The coupon will be usable until the date specified here.

After you are satisfied with your settings, click Save to finish creating your coupon. It will appear in the main list, along with any other coupons you create.

3- Watch a short video on the creation of a coupon:

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