design badges in Conference Tracker

Conference Tracker: How do I design badges?

Badges can be created for Attendees, Presenters and Exhibitors using our Badge Designer built-in to your website.

To create and design a badge do the following:
  1. On the left hand Navigation Menu, navigate to Badges -> Manage Badges. 

  2. Click on the blue Create button.
  3. Give your design a name and a brief description, then click on the blue Save & Design button.
  4. You will then see a list of preset Templates to start your design. You can also press the Show Badge Designer button near the top of the page to not use a template.

The following page is where you can fully customize your Attendees badges.

On this screen you can design the badges for your Attendees. Using the following sections: 


  • Text
    • Clicking on Text will bring a text box onto the badge that you can use to input text.
    • In Textbox Settings (located below your Badge Design), you can write in your desired text, input font size, font type, text alignment, font color, background color, text-wrap, and the style of the text.
    • Additionally, when typing your desired text, there is a blue Show Keywords button at the end of the textbox. Clicking on this will show you keywords that can be used to capture data from your Conference Tracker account:
      • Use these keywords in any text box: 

        User Keywords 

        • $FirstName$$LastName$, or $FullName$: Displays the name of the Attendee.
        • $Title$ & $Company$: Displays the Position and Company Name of the Attendee.
        • $PhoneNumber$$Email$$StreetAddress$$City$$State$, & $ZipCode$: Displays additional information about the attendee.
        • $UserCustomFieldN$: (N=1-5) Displays the custom fields you uploaded or entered for each attendee.
        • $Sessions$: Displays a list of all sessions this attendee is registered to at this conference.
        • $Credits$: Shows the total number of credits the Attendee received.

        Conference Keywords 

        • $Conference$: Displays the name of the Conference.
        • $Date$: Display the date of the Conference.
  • Image
    • Clicking on Image will bring an image box onto the badge that you can use to input an image.
    • In Image Settings (located below your Badge Design), you can upload your desired image.
  • QR Code
    • Clicking on QR Code will bring a QR Code onto the badge that will be used to scan individuals in.
  • User Photo
    • Clicking on User Photo add the user's profile photo to the badge. The user must have a profile photo set on their profile..


  • Show Border: The default option is No. If you enable borders, you will see a slight gray border that surrounds each badge when you print them. They will typically align with the perforated edges of the paper size you use, but you can remove the border if they don't align properly.
  • Background Color: Select the color you want your background. Click on the white box, and it will display a picture with all the colors you can change it.
  • Background Image: You can upload a background image for your badge here. You can also delete an already uploaded image by clicking on Remove.

Selection Options

There are 4 options you can do when you have any of the above items (images, textboxes, etc.) selected.

  1. Move: To do this click anywhere on the item. Once it has the focus click and drag it anywhere on the canvas.
  2. Resize: To do this, move your mouse to any edge or corner of the selected box. Your mouse pointer will turn into a two-pointed arrow. Click and hold your mouse button and drag the box anywhere to resize it.
    Note: You cannot make the box larger than the canvas size.
  3. Copy: Click on the gray icon on the top right of the box. This will duplicate your box.
  4. Remove: Click on the red icon on the top right of the box. This will delete your box.

Finalize the design

Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the page when done editing or click the From Templates button to start over.

Reference: The Conference Tracker Documentation

Having issues with the badge designer?  Click here to learn more about troubleshooting the badge designer

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