Conference Tracker - How do I create Polls?

Conference Tracker - How do I create Polls?


With the Polls section, you can quickly create and send one-question polls to your Attendees. These can be useful if you need a quick response from your conference guests, such as a question about the conference or having audience participation during a session. In this article, we discuss how to create polls in Conference Tracker.


1- Go to Polls--> Manage Polls:

2-Click "Create"

3-Type in the General Information.

Name and Description: These fields will allow you to give your poll a title and a brief description.
Audience: This feature will be used to specify who will be receiving this poll. You can choose to send this poll to every attendee in your conference, a specific attendee group, every attendee registered to a session, or every attendee checked-in to a session.
Time Limit: You can set an optional time limit to your poll. Once this set time has passed, your poll will no longer be answerable.
Anonymous Answers: You can set your poll to have anonymous answers, blocking out who answered your poll and just displaying the actual data.
Show Results to Respondents: Checking this field will allow the attendees who answered your poll to view answers from other guests.

4-Choose the Background and Foreground colors.

DisplaySet the background color, and foreground color of the polls appearance.

5-Schedule PublishChoose the correct date to send out the poll to attendees. Leaving this field blank will not publish your poll until you manually choose to do so.

6-Specify the question for this poll: Add a type of question for the attendee to answer in the poll.

Type: You have six overall types of questions you can choose to add to your poll. These include:
Open Text: This type allows your attendees to write in any answer they choose.
Multiple Choice: This type allows your attendees to pick from a list of choices, pre-determined by the creator of the poll.
Image Choice: This type works similarly to the multiple-choice type, but you are able to add an image to each choice.
5 Stars: This type allows your attendees to pick rating stars. The stars range from 1-5 and have the following preset titles:
1-Star: Worst
2-Star: Bad
3-Star: Okay
4-Star: Better
5-Star: Best
Note: These preset titles can be customized.
3 Levels of Satisfaction: Similar to the 5 Stars type, this type allows your guests to pick between three levels of satisfaction. The presets for these are Happy, Satisfied, and Unhappy. As with the 5-Stars type, these titles can be customized.
Thumbs Up or Down: This type allows your attendees to pick between a thumbs up or thumbs down. They will have preset titles, but you can customize them here as well.

7-View Results

The View Results section will allow you to view all results from any answered poll that you have published. You will be able to see general information about your poll, such as the date and time it was published and the number of respondents. Your results, depending on the question type, will be organized into text responses, data charts or data tables. You can also print these results by pressing the blue print button on the top of this section.

8-Watch a short video as an example of how to create a very simple poll.

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