Accudemia: How do I import restrictions or associations for a large population of students in my Center?

Accudemia: How do I import restrictions or associations for a large population of students in my Center?


On occasion, Centers in Accudemia may need to assign large groups of students to specific tutors or advisors. Rather than manually assigning each student individually, the Accudemia Data Exchange (ADX) can export restrictions (Like which tutor a student can access) to a large number of students at once. This article will explain how to use ADX to do this.

The restrictions made in this article are applied to all walk-ins and appointments. This means when students sign in or use the appointment wizard, they will be limited based on the associations/restrictions.


1. Download or update the software from this link.

2. Create an import CSV file that includes the fields below:

Student to Staff Member Association
  1. Center's Name
  2. Student's ID
  3. Tutor's ID (ADX doesn't load the accounts terminology, so it will be displayed as "tutor" regardless of the terminology used by the college.
Service to Subject Area Association
  1. Center's Name
  2. Service Name
  3. Course code Prefix
  4. Course Code

The required associations must be included on each import, as any following imports will overwrite any manually created associations or the associations from previously imported files.

3. Open ADX and log in as an administrator.

If the college is using a Single Sign-On (SSO) portal, then the original login information made before setting up SSO is what will be needed to log into ADX. This is because ADX doesn't utilize SSO.

4. Click the New Import Job button on the top left of the menu.

5. Click Next when the import job wizard opens.

6. Choose a file to import using the [...] button next to the "Select File" text field, then click Next .

7. Map the columns included in the import, then click Next .

8. Review the number of associations found, then click Next twice.

9. Name the import job, and click Finish .

NOTE: This will just create the setup for the import to execute.

10. Click Run Import Job Now! on the top left side of the menu, and link the import job that was just created.

NOTE: If there are a lot of import jobs, the list may need to be refreshed to find the one that was just created.