Accudemia: How do I allow specific users to see the list of tutors currently signed in on the Manage Center screen?

Accudemia: How do I allow specific users to see the list of tutors currently signed in on the Manage Center screen?


By default, only administrators can see the list of tutors that have signed in to a center on the "Manage Center" screen. However, other users can be given this permission by turning them into System Users and enabling the "Edit Tutor Session Logs" permission. This article will explain how to do this, as well as how to check whether the permission is working as intended.

Enabling this permission will also allow the user to see and change the logs from any tutor in Accudemia.


1. Navigate to Administration > User Accounts on the home page.

2. Click on the user's name and select the "Security" tab.

3. Enable the "System User" role.

4. Under the permissions, enable "Edit Tutor Session Logs," then click the Save Changes button at the top of the screen.

5. Test whether the permission has worked by asking the tutor to navigate to Center Attendance > Manage Center and find out whether they can see all tutors currently signed in.