Accudemia: How do I check whether Center Admins have the permissions they need to promote others?

Accudemia: How do I check whether Center Admins have the permissions they need to promote others?


The "College Admin" in Accudemia is the top administrative role. Users with this role have every permission (45 of 45) and can edit any other user in Accudemia. Sometimes, these users may wish to allow lower-level admins (like Center Admins) to promote other users to their administrative level. This article explains how a College Admin would check a Center Admin to make sure they have all the permissions they need to promote other users to their level.


1. Does the Center Admin have the same or greater number of permissions assigned as the user they're trying to edit?
  1. "No." Then they cannot edit the user. The Center Admin must be assigned the same number of permissions (or more) as the user they're trying to edit.
  2. "Yes." Then continue down the checklist.

2. Does the Center Admin have a greater scope (or equivalent) set than the user they're trying to edit?
  1. "No." Then they cannot edit the user. Expand the scope for the Center Admin so they have the same (or greater) scope than the user they're trying to edit.
  2. "Yes." Then continue down the checklist.

3. Can the Center Admin edit all the role types assigned to the user they're trying to edit (manage students, manage tutors, manage system users, or manage instructors)?
  1. "No." Then they cannot edit the user. Give the Center Admin the ability to manage all of the roles of the user they're trying to edit.
  2. "Yes." Then the Center Admin has all the permissions they need.

Other potential problems

If the Center Admin still can't promote a user to an admin level, then typically it's not a permission issue. It could be that:
  • They forgot to fill out a required field.
  • The User ID matches another user already in Accudemia.
In these cases, Accudemia will display a message to inform the Center Admin of what's wrong.

NOTE: It's possible to set up a "Role Group Template" that can help make assigning multiple permissions at once easier. Accudemia comes with default templates, so it can be a good idea to check those first and see if they have the correct permissions. Otherwise, custom templates can be created. For more information about Role Group Templates, follow this link.