There are 4 options you can do when you have any of the above items (images, text boxes, etc.) selected.
Move: To do this click anywhere on the item. Once it has the focus, click and drag it anywhere on the canvas.
Resize: To do this, simply click and drag on any of the edges of the field box. When you hover over any of these edges, your mouse cursor will change to an arrow shape.
Copy: By clicking on any of the fields in your canvas, two buttons pop up towards the right end of the field. The first button will be your Copy button. Clicking on this button will copy your chosen field box as a new field.
Remove: By clicking on any of the fields in your canvas, two icons pop up towards the right end of the field. The second button will be the red Remove button. Clicking on this button will delete your chosen field box.
As mentioned earlier, the text box field can accept different keywords in order to help you maximize your CEU Report efficiency. These keywords can pull data from your conferences, such as Attendee Names or Conference Dates. Here is a list of accepted keywords:
User Keywords
$FirstName$, $LastName$, or $FullName$: Displays the name of the Attendee.
$Title$ & $Company$: Displays the Position and Company Name of the Attendee.
$PhoneNumber$, $Email$, $StreetAddress$, $City$, $State$, & $ZipCode$: Displays additional information about the attendee.
$UserCustomFieldN$: (N=1-5) Displays the custom fields you uploaded or entered for each attendee.
$Workshops$: Displays a list of all workshops this attendee went to at this conference.
$Credits$: This shows the total number of credits the Attendee received.
$AttendanceMinutes$: This shows the total number of minutes an attendee has been in sessions for.
Conference Keywords
You can also use basic operations on your transcripts using Text Fields. You can begin writing an expression with ${ and $} to end it. The operations you can use are:
SUM: Addition
SUB: Subtraction
MUL: Multiplication
DIV: Division
For example, the expression 3 + 2 would be translated to ${ SUM(3,2) $}. You can group expressions as well, so (4 - 2) * (3 / 3) would be ${ MUL( SUB(4,2), DIV(3,3)) $}. It is also possible to use keywords in combination with these expressions. The expression ${ DIV($AttendanceMinutes$, 60) $} will return the number of minutes an attendee has been in a session for divided by 60. You can only use keywords in expressions if the keyword uses a number.
After entering the expression, the textbox will display the answer to the expression on the report when they are printed.
Selected Control
Under your canvas, you will see a section titled Selected Control. This section shows which field on your canvas you currently have selected. Below this section, you will see extra settings that specifically tie to your chosen field box. To change which field box you have selected, you can either click on any of the field boxes on your canvas or choose from the drop-down menu in the Selected Control section.
As previously mentioned, each field box has extra settings that pertain to that field only:
Text Box Settings:
Text: This setting will allow you to change what is shown in your Text Box. You can use plain text, keywords or basic operations in this setting.
Font Size: This will change the size of the text displayed in your Text Box.
Font: This will change the type of font displayed in your Text Box.
Text Alignment: This setting will allow you to choose a different alignment style for the text displayed in your Text Box. You can choose it to be aligned to the left side of the Text Box, the right side of the Text Box, or centered.
Font Color: This setting will change the color of the text displayed in your Text Box.
Background Color: This setting will change the background color of your Text Box. You can also press the Make Transparent button below this setting in order to make the background color transparent.
Style: With this setting, you can toggle your text to be Bold, Italic, or Underlined.
See an example screenshot here:
Image Settings:
Upload: The Upload button allows you to upload an image from your computer to be used in this Image Box.
Remove: The Remove button allows you to delete the image you have uploaded. The Image Box will remain, just the image itself will be cleared out.
See an example screenshot here:
Tables have the same settings as the Text Box settings, with the exception of being able to modify the columns presented in your table.
Columns: With this setting, you can choose what your CEU Report will display. Each column has two text boxes: one for the title (or header) of the column, and the second for what data it will show. In the second textbox, a keyword is usually used in order to pull data from an Attendee's attendance. A default table will have three columns: Date, Session, and Credits. The CEU Report will then use the attendance logs of each attendee to pull this data. As a result, each subsequent row will show the Date of the session, the Name of the session, and how many credits were earned for attending the session.
See an example screenshot here:
6-Finalize the design:
Be sure to click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page when done editing!
Optionally view this short video on how to create a very simple certificate with 2 text fields, 1 image field, and 1 table field.