Accudemia - How do I reschedule an appointment as a student?

Accudemia - How do I reschedule an appointment as a student?


In Accudemia, it is possible to reschedule appointments, but depending on the restrictions place by admins you may be limited to only a few reschedules before the appointment must be attended or cancelled. In this article, we will show you the process of how to reschedule your existing appointments as well as how to troubleshoot the process if we are unable to find a new block to reschedule.


  1. Once logged in, start by navigating to Appointments > View All section from the main menu in Accudemia.

  2. Select the appointment in the list that you need to reschedule using the left-side menu filters as needed to find the appointment.
  3. NOTE:  Depending on your role and permissions there could be more or fewer menu items available.

  4. Then click the  Re-Schedule button at the top of this page.

  5. Now select the new date .

  6. Click the  Show Schedule  button and select the new timeslot from the available green timeslots.

    Important! If you were not able to select any green timeslots then go to the next section to click here to go to the "Troubleshooting Rescheduling Issues" section.

  7. Select the new reservation by placing a check next to it on this screen and c lick the Next button.

  8. The system will evaluate the new timeslot for any errors and if successful simply click the Finish button.

  9. A confirmation message completes this process and now the appointment's new date and time is saved.

Troubleshooting Rescheduling Issues

ISSUE: If you see only red blocks in Step 5 above then this probably means that there is no availability for that Service and Course in that specific timeframe.
  1. A solution would be to ask the center admins to update the Tutor's Schedule Availability.
  2. Another option would be to continue searching on a different date, for clicking the Show next Available results button at the bottom of the screen:

    In this example we found a block in another date: