Admin Guide
Conference Tracker - How do I add members to a Group?
1. From the Home page, click on Groups. 2. Click on Members next to the Group that attendees must be added to 3. Enter the name of the attendee that will be added. Click on their name from the drop down menu that appears after searching them. 4. ...
Conference Tracker - How do I create a Group?
Groups give conference administrators the ability to organize all users within a Conference Tracker account. Administrators can then print or email badges, certificates, and transcripts based on Group. 1. On the left-hand Navigation Menu, click ...
Conference Tracker: How do I enable the Online Attendee Registration form?
Online Attendee Registration enables attendees to sign up and pay for the conference online through Conference Tracker. 1. On the left-hand Navigation Menu, click on Conference -> Setup 2. Scroll down towards the bottom and you will see an option to ...
Conference Tracker: How do I fix "Invalid" logs?
Invalid attendance logs are logs that have either multiple consecutive In Times or Out Times. This can occur either due to software error or human error. 1. On the left-hand Navigation Menu, click on Attendance -> Manage Attendance. 2. Under ...
Conference Tracker: How do I fix "Stayed Less Than Required" logs?
Less Than Required logs are attendance logs that don't meet the Required Presence Percentage set for a certain session. Most of the time, this occurs because the attendee signed in too late or left too early. It's also possible that the Presenter may ...
Conference Tracker: How do I fix "Not Signed-Out" logs?
Not Signed-Out Logs are attendance logs that have an In Time but they do not have an Out Time. If there are multiple In and Out Times, then there are more In Times than there are Out Times. 1. On the left-hand Navigation Menu, click on Attendance -> ...
Conference Tracker: How do I fix "Not Signed-in" logs?
Not Signed-in Logs are attendance logs that have an Out Time but they do not have an In Time. If there are multiple In and Out Times, then there are more Out Times than there are In Times. 1. On the left-hand Navigation Menu, click on Attendance -> ...
Conference Tracker: How do I manually create an Attendance Log?
In the event that an attendee was not able to be scanned during the conference and a record of their attendance needs to be created, then an Attendance Log must be made for them. An attendee must have a Valid Attendance Log to receive credit for a ...
Conference Tracker: How do I create Map Markers?
ou can only place Map Markers if your map was uploaded as an image file type (.JPG, .PNG, etc.). You will not be able to place markers on a .PDF or .DOC file. Map Markers are a great way to notify your attendees about specific areas of the venue. ...
Conference Tracker: How do I upload Maps?
Maps will only be visible to attendees using the Attendee App. Maps are an effective and convenient way for your attendees to navigate the venue. To upload a map: 1. On the left hand Navigation Menu, click on Maps. 2. Click on the blue Create button. ...
Conference Tracker: How do I manually create Companies?
Companies are typically automatically created when an Attendee/Exhibitor signs up via Online Registration or if the Company field is completed within an Attendee or Exhibitor Admin/Representative profile. If you would prefer to create them manually: ...
Conference Tracker: How do I create sponsorship levels?
Conference Tracker allows you to group the companies in your event into different Sponsorship Levels. When creating the sponsorship levels, you can change the hierarchy and their level of importance. To create Sponsorship Levels, start with: 1. On ...
How do I save a CSV file with UTF-8 format?
To avoid the system from creating random characters please follow these instructions: Here is a great guide for doing this in Notepad (Included on all Windows OS): Once the file is saved as a comma delimited csv. Right-click the csv file and select ...
How do I troubleshoot the Badge Designer in Conference Tracker when it will not let me resize the objects?
This issue is rather common due to the vast amount of choices you have available in Internet browsers and add-ons nowadays. Engineerica recommends using Mozilla Firefox and/or Google Chrome for your best results when managing your Conference Tracker ...
How do I send an Attendance Summary Report to my Conference Attendees using Conference Tracker?
In addition to the ability to broadcast attendance certificates to your attendees, you can also broadcast a general attendance report. Here is how: On the left-hand Navigation Menu, click on Attendance -> Email Broadcast. Select "All Attendees" in ...
How can I monitor attendance "at-a-glance" in "real-time" using Conference Tracker?
Conference Tracker makes it easy for you to monitor attendance at your conference! Once your account has been set-up, login to Conference Tracker with your account login information and you will see statistics showing live updates of your conference ...
How can I send a Badge Preview to my Attendees for approval in Conference Tracker?
You can send a preview of the conference badge to attendees so they can verify their information before the conference. Here is how: Create your badge in Conference Tracker using the Badge Design screen. If you want to prevent users from printing ...
How do I print Badges in Conference Tracker Properly?
Conference Tracker can simplify your badge printing process. The software allows you to design your badge with dynamically filled fields, text, and graphics. When ready, just click a button and the software will generate badges for all your ...
How do I download the Conference Tracker, Conference Attendee, or Conference Leads app on my mobile device?
Our Conference Tracker, Conference Attendee and Conference Leads apps are offered to Android and Apple mobile device users. For iOS users (iOS version 10.0 or higher required): Open the Apple App Store on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Search for ...
Conference Tracker: Help! I cannot login! What should I do?
Unfortunately, our support team cannot provide you with your password, but we can give you instructions on how to reset your password using either the Conference Tracker website or the Conference Tracker app: WEBSITE INSTRUCTIONS: Navigate in your ...
Conference Tracker: How do I design badges?
Badges can be created for Attendees, Presenters and Exhibitors using our Badge Designer built-in to your website. To create and design a badge do the following: On the left hand Navigation Menu, navigate to Badges -> Manage ...