How do I restrict back to back appointments in AccuCampus?
1. Log into AccuCampus. From the Main Sidebar hover over the Advanced Options category. 2. Click on Settings. 3. Click on Appointments. 4. The system defaults to adjusting the appointment settings for all locations. To set the appointment settings ...
How do I adjust the settings for appointments in AccuCampus?
This article will explain how to adjust all of the settings for appointments. If you know which specific setting you want to change, go to that article instead. 1. Log into Accucampus. From the Main Sidebar hover over the Advanced Options category. ...
How do I set up appointment sign-in notifications for staff in AccuCampus?
1. Log into AccuCampus. From the Main Sidebar hover over the Advanced Options category. 2. Click on Settings. 3. Click on Rules. 4. Click on Create New. 5. Create a Name for the rule. 6. Create a Description. Make sure to be specific when ...
How do I add Quick Panel widgets to the home page in AccuCampus?
1. Log into AccuCampus. From the Main Sidebar hover over Advanced Options category. 2. Click on Settings. 3. Click on Home Page Quick Panels. 4. Click to add a widget to either the left or the right of the screen. 5. Click on a widget to add. The ...
How do I set a no-show limit for appointments in AccuCampus?
NOTE: This setting creates a limit on the number of “no-shows” a student can have before they are no longer allowed to make an appointment. No show limits can be set by specific location, or across all locations. 1. Log into AccuCampus. From the ...
How do I set up reminders for appointments in AccuCampus?
1. Log into AccuCampus. From the Main Sidebar hover over the Advanced Options category. 2. Click on Settings. 3. Click on Appointments. 4a. The system defaults to adjusting the appointment settings for all locations. To set the appointment settings ...
How do I set up confirmation notices for appointments by staff member in AccuCampus?
1. Log into AccuCampus. From the Main Sidebar hover over Advanced Options category. 2. Click on Settings. 3. Click on Rules. 4. Click Create New. 5. Add a Name and Description of your rule. Be specific about what your rule will do in the ...
How do I set up confirmation notices for appointments by location in AccuCampus?
1. Log into AccuCampus. From the Main Sidebar hover over Advanced Options category. 2. Click on Settings. 3. Click on Rules. 4. Click Create New. 5. Add a Name and Description of your rule. Be specific about what your rule will do in the ...
How do I adjust event settings at the seminar level in AccuCampus?
NOTE: This article explains how to create settings for events at the seminar level. Changes made at this level will only affect the specific seminar selected. To adjust settings at other levels, see the following articles. Global Settings: How do I ...
How do I set selection rules for present, absent, and late attendees for Roll Call in AccuCampus?
This article explains how to set rules within AccuCampus to classify a sign-in as present, absent or late. AccuCampus allows unlimited sign-in statuses for class attendance. 1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. ...
How do I customize class attendance statuses in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Attendance. 4. Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is Account, which controls the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, ...
How do I change the name of a beacon in AccuCampus?
After you've successfully setup your beacon and assigned profiles, administrators can change the name of that beacon. This can be done through various third-party apps found in app store, but we suggest beaconset+ found in both apple and android app ...
How do I set what counts as an appointment once a student attends or visits in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Appointments. 4. Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is Account, which controls the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, ...
How do I prevent attendees from scheduling appointments in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Appointments. 4. Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is Account, which controls the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, ...
How do I prevent users from voiding appointments in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Appointments. 4. Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is Account, which controls the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, ...
How do I prevent users from restoring premature appointment cancels in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Appointments. 4. Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is Account, which controls the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, ...
How do I prevent users from canceling appointments last minute in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Appointments. 4. Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is Account, which controls the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, ...
How do I prevent students from editing appointments in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Appointments. 4. Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is Account, which controls the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, ...
How do I regulate times and numbers of appointments attended per week in AccuCampus?
Within AccuCampus you are able to restrict appointments by a maximum total number of appointments per week and/or by a maximum number of hours spent in appointments per week. 1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. ...
How do I restrict appointment slots times in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Appointments. 4. Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is Account, which controls the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, ...
How do I disable appointment scheduling for a specified location in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Appointments. 4. The system defaults to adjusting the appointment settings for all locations. To set the appointment settings for a specific location, click on Change. ...
How do I set up a beacon profile for a sign-in station in AccuCampus?
Note: This is the first step in using a Beacon as a sign-in station. To learn how to assign the Beacon Profile to a sign-in station (the second step), see How do I assign a beacon profile to a sign-in station in AccuCampus? To learn how to finish ...
How do I create a user tag in AccuCampus?
Within AccuCampus, you are able to assign tags to users. Tags can be used to apply attendance restrictions, assign action items and create user groups of specific student populations you want to follow. Before you can assign tags, you must first ...
How do I create an attendance restriction in AccuCampus?
Within AccuCampus, you are able to restrict the locations, services or staff members that users can access. Attendance restrictions allow you to have prospective students, currently enrolled students, and alumni all within the same system and ensure ...
How do I create a new profile in AccuCampus?
This article will explain how to set up User Profiles within AccuCampus. This is one of the first steps in setting up your AccuCampus account. User Profiles can have unlimited profile keys so any and all information can be imported for student users. ...
AccuCampus: How do I add a new semester?
This article explains how to create semesters within AccuCampus. These steps will need to be recreated each time a new semester is created. To edit an existing semester, click on the semester name and follow steps 5-8. 1. From the Main Sidebar, hover ...
How do I change the time zone or college logo for my account in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click General. 4. Click Upload Logo. 5. Select the logo to upload. Click Open. 6. Select the time zone from the drop down menu. NOTE: The system defaults to United States ...