Action Items
AccuCampus How to create Action Items ?
INTRO Action Items in the most simplistic way refer to such tasks or goals that users need to accomplish. In this article, we will discuss how school staff and administrators can take real-life school tasks and turn them into AccuCampus Action Items ...
How do I set an action item to auto-assign in AccuCampus?
NOTE: This article will explain how to set an action item to auto-assign. This involves four steps, creating a tag, creating a dynamic group, creating an action item and creating a rule. This article provides an overview and does not provide specific ...
How do I create an Action Item in AccuCampus?
This article will explain how to create an Action Item. To do so, you will need to have created an Action Type which will be assigned to the Action Item. 1. Log into AccuCampus. From the Main Sidebar, select Action Plan. 2. Select Action Items. 3. ...
How do I assign an action item to a student in AccuCampus?
1. From the Main Sidebar hover over Action Plan. 2. Select Action Items. 2. Locate the Action Item of your choice and select Assign. 3. Choose whether to assign the Action Item to a Student or to Members of a Group. 4. To Enter a student, start ...