Accudemia: How do I show my tutors names for appointments when students try to schedule?

Accudemia: How do I show my tutors names for appointments when students try to schedule?


For Appointments to work in Accudemia, you have to have quite a bit of information set up and in place.  These are the steps to setting up Appointments in Accudemia.  I also go back to using these steps when troubleshooting.  I will run through them all to make sure everything has been configured at the start of each semester too.


  1. Ensure there is an active Semester:
    1. This can be done by navigating to the Administration > Campus Setup > Terms section from the main menu of Accudemia.  Simply give the semester a name, start date, and end date.

  2. Setup your Center:
    1. Create or edit a Center and assign Subject Areas to it, by clicking on the name of the Center, after navigating to the Administration > Centers and Classrooms section from the main menu of Accudemia.
    2. While editing the Center, Add Services to the Center and choose the Modalities that they will be available for on the Services tab.  Be sure to save any changes from these first two items.
    3. Set your Calendar settings used by all Centers by navigating to the Administration > Control Panel > General (College-level) section from the main menu.
    4. And then configure your Center's Schedule by navigating to the Administration > Off-times (Selecting your Center) section from the main menu in Accudemia to account for holidays and times the center will not be available.

  3. Configure the Appointment Settings:
    • In the Administration > Control Panel > Appointments (Selecting your Center) section from the main menu of Accudemia you'll have all the rules and restrictions that you're students and staff will need to follow when scheduling appointments.

  4. Set up your Tutors:
    1. Create or Edit a Tutor and assign them Subject Areas they can assist with by navigating to the Administration > User Accounts section from the main menu in Accudemia. There will be a Tutor Assignments tab when you click on their name where these can be added to the courses they help with in appointments and walk-ins.
    2. Set the Tutor's schedule or if you would like them to log in and create the schedule have the Tutors create their Schedule.  You can enable this in the Control Panel > User Accounts section by placing a check next to " Tutors can edit their schedule."

  5. Test your Setup as a Student:
    • This can be done simply by creating a temporary test student with a fake ID and password (to allow you to log in) in the Administration > User Accounts section from the main menu of Accudemia.  Once created, log in as that student, and then try to create an appointment with the test student by clicking on the + New Appointment button on the homepage, and see if your available tutors show up at the Center.
Note: If you are ever having trouble getting a tutor to show up make sure that you check the settings at both the Center and College levels.  The reason is that College-level settings are only used by a Center that has been newly created and has never configured their own settings as a "Default" and they will be labeled as such.  And there are some settings that only appear at the college-level because these are settings can only be set across the Accudemia website as a whole and control general settings all centers use (only roughly 3% of settings).  Once a Center sets their settings in the Control Panel this will overwrite any "Default" settings used from the college-level so be sure to set those to your Center's needs.


At this point, you should be able to schedule appointments and have your Tutor's names show up as available for Students who are trying to schedule appointments. If you are still having issues, please contact support.

Additional Resources

Related to page: /Private/Settings/Settings.aspx?p=Tracking.Appointments