How does this system work?
Conference Tracker consists of two parts: the attendance
tracking device, which is an Apple iPod touch, iPad, iPhone or Android device
running the Conference Tracker app, and the web-based Conference Tracker
software. The former is used to collect the attendance data, while the latter
is used to set up the system and to generate the attendance reports.
How is the attendance data transferred from the device to
the web-based application?
The attendance data is transferred from the Apple or Android
device to the server via the Internet either via a standard Wi-Fi connection or
via a 4G if you have a device with 4G enabled.
What if I do not have an Internet Connection at the
conference site?
The system can still work without an Internet connection at the conference site. The Apple and Android devices can collect attendance data without the need for the Internet. All you need is to use an Internet connection before the conference to set up your devices (i.e. download conference data to them) and after the conference to transfer the attendance data to the server.
Note that while the system will work without the Internet
connection at the conference site, having such connection will be helpful as it
enables syncing the devices during the conference. This is especially
useful if you allow walk-in registration as it will enable the devices to get
the latest attendees' data.
Can I use my own iPod touch / iPhone / iPad / Android
Absolutely! You may use your own Apple devices or Android
devices to collect the attendance data. You will need to download the
conference attendance app, which is available for free via the Apple App Store
and Google Play Store.
Which version of the Apple or Android devices is
While the Conference Tracker app works on Apple devices with
iOS 10 or higher and Android devices with version 6.0 or higher. While it is
possible for Conference Tracker to work on older devices, we recommend that you
use the latest devices because these tend to have better cameras, which would
make the badge scanning process easier.
How do I generate the conference badges?
Conference Tracker will allow you to design and print out
your badges. All you need is standard 4*3 badge paper, which you can get
at your local office store - ask us for model #. A regular laser printer
can be used to print out your badges.
How much does it cost?
The fee for this service starts at $1,990 for basic 30-day Conference Tracker account. This account can be used for tracking up to 300 attendees. Contact us with your needs for a complimentary price quote.