Module 22 - Attendance Restrictions in AccuCampus

Module 22 - Attendance Restrictions in AccuCampus

Module 22: Attendance Restrictions in AccuCampus

Topic: Attendance Restrictions

  1. Restriction Types
  2. Creating Restrictions

Attendance Restrictions

Within AccuCampus, you are able to restrict the locations, services or staff members that users can access. Attendance restrictions allow you to have prospective students, currently enrolled students, and alumni all within the same system and ensure that they only have access to the resources that are appropriate for their unique status within the institution. AccuCampus uses tags which are placed on users (typically students) which then allow attendance restrictions to be placed. For more information about tags, see Module 15. Attendance restrictions are different from user roles. For more information about user roles, see Module 1. 

Restriction Types

There are three types of attendance restrictions – location, service and staff.

Location attendance restrictions use tags on users to either show or hide a specific location to a user. An example of this would be using an attendance restriction to allow only veteran students to access a veteran center on campus.

Service attendance restrictions use tags on users to either show or hide a specific service to a user. An example of this would be restricting career advisement services for a specific career path until a student has declared that career path as their major.

Staff attendance restrictions use tags on users to either show or hide a specific staff member to a user. These are typically used to create staff caseloads in order to ensure that a specific user is only able to make appointments or meet with a specific staff member.

Creating Restrictions

When creating attendance restrictions, you’ll need to make sure to choose the correct restriction type. The restriction can also be set to cause a disallowed user to receive an error message if they attempt to sign-in for a restricted location, service or staff member that states that the location, service or staff member is restricted.

From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options.

Click Settings.

Click Attendance Restrictions.

Click Create Restriction.

Enter a Name for the restriction. We recommend using a unique and specific name so that other users will understand what the restriction is for.

Enter Details for the restriction. We recommend using a detailed description of what the restriction will do.

Choose whether the restriction will be on LocationsServices or Staff Members.

If desired, choose an Order for the restriction. If the restriction is set to show a location, service or staff member, this setting will determine the order in which it displays relative to other restricted spaces.

Choose whether the restriction will Show or Hide the location, service or staff member from the user. Typically, restrictions are used to Hide vs. Show.

Select the specific Location(s)Service(s) and/or Staff Member(s) that should be hidden or shown. If restricting a service or a staff member, you are able to further restrict by location in order to set scope.

Choose whether the restriction will be on users With a Tag or Without a Tag. Your decision should be based on the ratio of users with or without the tag relative to the general population.
Example of With a Tag: A Veteran’s Success Center that shows to users with the Veterans tag, but is hidden from all other users. 
Example of Without a Tag: An Advising Center that is hidden to users without the Currently Enrolled student tag (such as prospective students and alumni), but is visible to all currently enrolled students.

Select the Specific Tag that will be used to restrict the location, service or staff member.

Click Save.

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