- User Tags
- Attendance Tags
- Assigning Tags
- Un-assigning Tags
- Reports Available
Within AccuCampus, you are able to assign tags to users. Tags can be used to apply attendance restrictions, assign action items and create user groups of specific student populations you want to follow.
Before you can assign tags, you must first create them. There are two main types of tags – User Tags and Attendance Log Tags. User Tags identify users based on specific demographic information while Attendance Log Tags identify users based on their actions within the system. Tags can be created manually or uploaded via an import. For information on imports, see Module 1.
From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options.
Click Settings.
Click Tags.
Choose a type of Tag.
Click Create Tag.
Enter the name of the Tag. We recommend that you use a unique and specific name so that the tag can be identified by other users.
Enter a Description of the tag. We recommend that you use a unique and specific description so that the tag can be identified by other users.
If desired, enter who the tag was Requested By. This could be a user or an entity on campus.
Identify Roles with View Access. These roles will be able to view, but not edit the tag.
Identify Roles with Edit Access. These roles will be able to edit the tag.
If desired, add a Scope for the tag. This will restrict view/edit ability to only users with the selected scope.
Click Save.
Once you’ve created tags, you can assign them to users. There are multiple ways to do this. You can assign the tag manually on each user, import them using the Tags-Users import (see Module 1), assign them based on a report or user group (see Module 14 or 16), or by creating a rule (see Module 20). Here we will cover assigning tags manually in the user’s profile. There are two ways to navigate to a user profile – either from the main sidebar, or by using the search function at the top of the page.
First Option
From the Main Sidebar, hover over General.
Click Users.
Scroll through the list of users to find the user you need or
Use the look-up glass to search for the user.
Second Option
Use the search box at the top of the page to search for the user. To do so, type in the name of the user you want to see followed by in:users. This option is only available in the browser.
Once you’ve found the user you want to edit, click on their name.
You will see the user’s profile page. The information that you are able to see on this page is based on your permissions within the system.
Click Edit User.
On the right-hand side of the page, you will see Tags. Search for the tag and click Add Tag to place the tag on the user.
Click Save at the bottom of the page.
There are multiple ways to remove tags from users. You can remove it manually from each user, remove them based on a report or user group (see Module 14 or 16), or by creating a rule (see Module 20). Here we will cover removing tags manually in the user’s profile. There are two ways to navigate to a user profile – either from the main sidebar, or by using the search function at the top of the page.
First Option
From the Main Sidebar, hover over General.
Click Users.
Scroll through the list of users to find the user you need or
Use the look-up glass to search for the user.
Second Option
Use the search box at the top of the page to search for the user. To do so, type in the name of the user you want to see followed by in:users. This option is only available in the browser.
Once you’ve found the user you want to edit, click on their name.
You will see the user’s profile page. The information that you are able to see on this page is based on your permissions within the system.
Click Edit User.
On the right-hand side of the page, you will see Tags. Click on the red circle next to the tag you want to remove.
Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Reports Available
To get to
the reports related to tags, from the Main Sidebar navigate to General > Reports. All reports can be
filtered and most can be memorized, scheduled, and downloaded as CSV, Excel or
PDF. From the individual report, you may also be able to create a User Group or
assign/unassign tags to users.
Lists all users in the system, including name, card number, e-mail address and tag. It can be filtered by group, role, specific user and/or tag.