For the Updated Version of
Accudemia 7.0 Click the following link:
In Accudemia, Sign-in Station Computers, are defined by designating a computer as belonging to a location which is set for a specific Classroom or a Center.
1. Login to Accudemia as an administrator.
2. Click Administration.
3. Click Sign-in Stations.
4. Click Computers.
5. Click Create Sign-in Station Here.
6. Choose the Location for the sign-in station.
7. Enter the Name of the sign-in station.
8. If desired, enter a Description of the sign-in station.
9. Click Save Changes. The sign-in station will now appear in the list of stations for that location.
To Install Sign-In Station
1. Logout of your Admin account in Accudemia. The browser will now display the sign-in station.
NOTE: If a station was already created for the machine you are using, you will see the following button text: Remove this sign in station (<Station Name>). To remove a Sign In Station from the current computer, click the button. You will then be able to install a different sign-in station.
To Delete Sign-in Station
1. Select a station from the grid.
2. Click Delete. This action can be performed from any machine and it must be used with extreme care, as the page that will normally appear on the sign in station terminal will no longer, and instead the external URL (or default page) will appear.