This article will explain how to create an Action Item. To do so, you will need to have created an Action Type which will be assigned to the Action Item.
1. Log into AccuCampus. From the Main Sidebar, select Action Plan.
2. Select Action Items.
3. Select Create Action Item.
4. Enter a specific and unique code, name and description for the action item.
NOTE: We recommend that you use the description to provide the student with any information they will need in order to complete the Action Item. This could include a description of the service they will need to access, the location and business hours for that service, and directions on how to access that service.
5. Choose an Action Type from the drop down menu.
6. Select a duration for the Action Item. This is the amount of time the user will have to complete the item before it is marked overdue.
7. Select an expiration date for the Action Item. This is the amount of time that the item will remain visible on the student's Action Plan before it is removed.
8. Select the service that the user will need to access in order to complete the action item. If no service is associated with the action item, leave this blank.
9. Select if this item is related to a course. If no course is associated with the action item, leave this blank.
10. If desired, select a user or users to be default followers of the action item. This means that the selected people will be notified when the action item is assigned and will automatically receive updates on that item.
11. Select if the Action Item will be able to be assigned to the same user multiple times. The default is for this to remain unchecked to ensure that a user is not assigned the same item more than once while the item is active.
12. Choose if the action item will be public for students. If this is selected, the student will see the action item when it has been assigned to them. If left unchecked, the student will not see that it has been assigned.
13. If desired, restrict access to the action item. This allows you to limit the staff members who will be able to see, edit and assign this item. The default is for the item to be public.
14. If restricting access, choose the roles that will be able to view the action item.
15. If restricting access, choose the roles that will be able to edit the action item.
16. If restricting access, choose to limit the scope of the action item. This means that only users with a matching scope will be able to access the item. If you leave this blank, any user with the roles listed will have access to the item.
17. Click Save.