1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Events.
2. Click on Seminars.
3. Click on Create Seminar.
NOTE: Within AccuCampus, seminars behave similarly to courses. Therefore, all requirements of creating a course are the same here.
4. Enter a Full Unique Code for the seminar. As with courses, this cannot match any other seminar within AccuCampus for the chosen semester.
5. Enter the Name of the seminar. This will display to users when they search for the seminar.
6. Select the Semester when the seminar will take place.
7. If desired, select the College Department that the seminar will be associated with.
8. If desired, enter the Group that the seminar will be associated with. This is useful for seminars with multiple sections and allows reports to be run on all of those sections without having to individually select them.
9. Enter the Details for the seminar that includes important information about the event. This will display to users when they search for the seminar.
10. Under Schedule, click Add
11. Enter the day of the week, time and location of the seminar. If desired, add additional one-time schedules by clicking Add Recurring again.
12. If desired, set a limit on how early an attendee can sign in, or how late an attendee can sign out from the event.
13. If desired, set a required percentage of attendance for the event and if attendees are required to sign out at the end.
14. Click Save.