How do I control which demographic information a user can edit in AccuCampus?

How do I control which demographic information a user can edit in AccuCampus?

This article explains how to limit users' ability to edit their own demographic information within AccuCampus. Note that this information may be included as part of a nightly import and so any changes a user would make would be overwritten each time the import is run.

1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options.

2. Click Settings.

3. Click General.

4. If desired, allow users to change their own names in their profile. 

REMEMBER: If this information is part of a scheduled import, then any changes made by the user will be overwritten if the change does not match the import.

5. If desired, allow users to change their e-mail address in their profile.

REMEMBER: If this information is part of a scheduled import, then any changes made by the user will be overwritten if the change does not match the import. Additionally, the e-mail address is considered the unique user key and changes to this may affect data.

6. If desired, allow users to change their postal address in their profile.

REMEMBER: If this information is part of a scheduled import, then any changes made by the user will be overwritten if the change does not match the import.

7. If desired, allow users to change their phone number in their profile.

REMEMBER: If this information is part of a scheduled import, then any changes made by the user will be overwritten if the change does not match the import.

8. Click Save.

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