1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options.
2. Click Settings.
3. Click Media.
4. The system defaults to adjusting the media settings for all locations. To set the media settings for a specific location, click on Change.
Type in the location that you want to edit and click on Set Scope.
5. If desired, set a default checkout period for the location. This sets the default time period that an item can be checked out for at that location.
6. If desired, allow editing check-out date. This allows staff members to edit the date that the item was checked out.
7. If desired, allow overwriting due back time. This allows staff members to edit the date that the item is due back.
8. If desired, allow entering a staff member. This allows you to track the staff member who checked out the specific item.
9. If desired, allow entering event. This allows you to associate the item with a course.
10. If desired, allow entering notes. This allows notes to be added to the check-out record.
11. Decide if media item check-in will be allowed on Saturday.
12. Decide if media item check-in will be allowed on Sunday.
13. If desired, set a time that media must be checked-in by every day.
14. If desired, set a date that all media items must be checked in by.
15. If desired, allow editing check-in date. This allows staff members to edit the date that the item was checked in.
16. If desired, allow entering notes. This allows notes to be added to the check-in record.
17. Click Save.