How do I add time off on my schedule in AccuCampus?

How do I add time off on my schedule in AccuCampus?

1. First login into Accucampus, enter user Email and Password.

 2. Use the search box towards the top of the screen and search your User ID or Name.  Click on your name in the search results.


3. From AccuCampus's user page, on the right side More Actions tab is present, scroll down to
Staff availability and click this option.(Note: This option is only seen for user available as staff)


 4. Availability page will load, on this page, users can change availability for services or courses. Scroll down to the bottom until you see Schedule. (You may need to uncheck Available at any time.) 


Click the blue button Add Schedule.

 5. Select Off time from the Edit Schedule panel.

6. Set the start and end date/time to reflect the time you will need to Not be available. Save changes. (Time off should now be applied.)

 5. Select Off time from the Edit Schedule

6. Set the start and end date/time to reflect the time you will need to Not be available. Save changes. (Time off should now be applied.) 



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