This article will explain how to create a new location within AccuCampus. Within AccuCampus, location can refer to either the physical location (i.e. Academic
Building Seven) or the entities within that physical location (i.e. the Office
of Advising, which is located within Academic Building Seven.) In order for
AccuCampus to be fully operational for your institution, you will need to
include both types of locations.
1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over General.
2. Click Locations.
3. Click Create Location.
4. Enter a Name for the location. Remember, it can
be either the name of the building or the name of the entity within the
building depending on which you’re building.
5. Enter the Location. Use this if you are building
an entity within a physical location.
6. If desired,
enter an Order. This tells the
system which order to list this location relative to all of the others when a
list is displayed.
7. If desired, enter an E-mail Address. This is typically used for entities within physical locations.
8. If desired, enter a Web Address. This is typically used for entities within physical locations.
9. Enter a Street Address for the location. This allows students to receive turn-by-turn directions if being
directed from the Campus Compass.
10. Enter More Information. That information
could include business hours, phone numbers, specific instructions for
accessing the location, etc.
11. If desired,
add an Access Restriction. This
allows you to restrict access to the location to only those roles allowed into
the entity or physical location.
12. Enable Silent Tracking if you will be using
beacons to silently track the traffic within the location without users needing
to sign in/out. This style of tracking records minimal information.
NOTE: Before enabling silent tracking, you will need to create a beacon profile.
13. Click Save.