Conference Tracker: How do I fix "Stayed Less Than Required" logs?

Conference Tracker: How do I fix "Stayed Less Than Required" logs?

Less Than Required logs are attendance logs that don't meet the Required Presence Percentage set for a certain session. Most of the time, this occurs because the attendee signed in too late or left too early. It's also possible that the Presenter may have ended the session early and it did not follow the times set for the session.

1. On the left-hand Navigation Menu, click on Attendance -> Manage Attendance.
2. Under the Search Filters, click on the drop down menu labeled Any Status and choose Stayed Less Than Required. This will display all attendance logs that are Stayed Less Than Required.

3. Click on one of the affected logs.
4. Check whether or not the In Time and the Out Time are within the set times for the specific session and they meet the Required Presence Percentage

5. If the time needs to be changed, click on the time next to either In or Out to edit it.
For example, if a session goes from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM with a Required Presence Percentage of 75%, and the log has an In Time of 10:30 AM and an Out Time of 11:02 AM, then the attendee was only in the session for around 52% of the duration. The In Time needs to be changed to an earlier time to comply with the Required Presence Percentage.
6. Click Save

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