Conference Tracker: How do I fix "Invalid" logs?

Conference Tracker: How do I fix "Invalid" logs?

Invalid attendance logs are logs that have either multiple consecutive In Times or Out Times. This can occur either due to software error or human error.

1. On the left-hand Navigation Menu, click on Attendance -> Manage Attendance.
2. Under the Search Filters, click on the drop down menu labeled Any Status and choose Other Invalid. This will display all attendance logs marked Invalid.

3. Click on one of the affected logs.
4. Check the times in the logs. There could be a number of reasons for the log to be marked as Invalid. The two most common issues are consecutive In Times/Out Times, or In Times/Out Times that do not coincide with the Session schedule. Below, you can see examples of both of these errors:

Error A: The times of the Attendance Log do not match with the times of the Session.    

Error B: There are consecutive In Times/Out Times.

5. Make the appropriate changes depending on your error. For example, if you have consecutive In Times, delete one of them to fix the log. If the log has the incorrect date/time for the Session in question, edit the data to match the Session times.
6. Click the green Save Changes button at the bottom right of the page.
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