Conference Tracker: How do I create SMS notifications?

Conference Tracker: How do I create SMS notifications?


Conference Tracker gives administrators the ability to send out SMS Notifications. These are used to alert specific people of a VIP's arrival at the venue. In order for this feature to work, the recipient of this notification must have their active phone number listed in the Conference Tracker account. This article will explain how to send out SMS Notifications.


1. Navigate to Attendees > SMS Notifications.

2. Click the Create button.

3. Find the VIP in the "Attendee" box, then choose who will be notified of their arrival in the "Send notification to" box.

The message textbox can contain a maximum of 160 characters, and it can utilize tokens. In this case, {NAME} was used. The attendee's name will automatically fill in this space.

4. When finished, click the Save Changes button.

Additional options

To edit a notification, navigate to the notification list and click on its name. From here, the notification can be edited. In addition, clicking the ... button to the right of the notification will bring up an option to delete it.

ALERT: Once deleted, a notification cannot be recovered.

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