Conference Tracker - How do I remove duplicate session logs from an attendee's CEU report?
In this article, you'll find how you can remove duplicate session logs/credits from a user's CEU reports and general exports. Most the time this happens if they signed in and out of the session more than once. Or a log was manually added when they already had a session log.
Follow these steps to view the Attendee's specific Attendance report and delete or update the duplicates:
2. From the Home page, search for the Attendees by name at the top of the screen.
TIP: Use the filter to show only the "users" info.
3. Click on the
Attendee's name in the dropdown list whose attendance needs to be viewed/edited.
4. Click the
View Attendance button at the top of the edit user screen. A list of sessions they attended will appear.
5. Click on one of the session names that was scanned for in error (a duplicate session) and when the log appears there will be a red delete button to remove that second session giving them extra credits.
After completing these steps for your few unique cases were someone had duplicate sign-in logs for sessions then you should now be able to re-print their certificates or CEU reports in Conference Tracker.
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