AccuSQL - Activities not displaying in Web Gateway when making appointments or when signing in

AccuSQL - Activities not displaying in Web Gateway when making appointments or when signing in

AccuTrack / AccuSQL - Activities not displaying in Web Gateway when making appointments or when signing in


Typically, this issue occurs when the imported information is incorrect or if not using scheduled or automated imports then this may be a configuration issue that is occurring.  After reading this guide you should learn how to resolve these issues as well as have a greater knowledge of why these items are important for scheduling appointments and allowing them to be selected at sign-in kiosks.


1. The first step is to login to AccuSQL as an Admin, click on the Users button, proceed to the student section.

2. Verify on this screen what activities a student is registered for by selecting them in the list on the left-side and using the Registration button at the bottom of the screen. If this page is empty or the class needed is not listed, it will NOT show up for appointment selection in Web Gateway or when they sign-in at a kiosk in the center.
Important!  The student must be marked as "active" on their user account as well for this to work so you will see options on this screen to activate or inactivate them.

3. If the student is not registered, go back to the System Administration screen, select the Sign-in Setup section on the left-side menu, next click the Registration button to load this page and find the class to manually register the students.

NOTE: Once the class is selected, simply search for the student(s) and select them in the "Not Selected" list, use the single arrow >  button to move just that selected student to the "Selected" side, and click the Register button to complete this process. You can select multiple students in either list by pressing the CTRL button on your keyboard and selecting another student. If you make a mistake then you can use the reverse double arrows << button   to move all students back to the other side and start over.

4. After these steps, the student should be able to sign up for a tutor for the activity that they are now registered for in AccuTrack/AccuSQL.
TIP: The tutor will need to be assigned these Activities/Courses as well as the students to show up as available.  For more on this topic:


After reviewing this article, we hope you have seen scheduling appointments require more than just configuring the settings in the Control Panel and that each term/semester these Tutor Assignments, Tutor Schedules, Students and their Enrollment need to be updated with the latest information to make them function.  An active term/semester is also a vital part that if not created properly will cease students from being able to schedule appointments online and walk-in to sign-in at the kiosk.