AccuSql/AccuTrack - Reports not printing or running/Enabling Minds Eye Report Engine
AccuSql/AccuTrack - Reports not printing or running/Enabling Minds Eye Report Engine
We use an Activex control called "MindsEyeReportEnginePro1.ocx" to enable
the interactions in the AccuSQL reports viewer. If for some reason it
seems like that report control was not registered during the install
process, or perhaps was removed inadvertently via an uninstall of and
older AccuSQL software installation. In any event you can always re-register that
control manually like so:
1. In Windows Start type "cmd", then right click on "cmd.exe", and select "Run as Administrator:"
2. In the Command Prompt window navigate to the folder where AccuSQL is
64-bit systems use:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\AccuSQL2019"
For 32-bit systems (uncommon) use:
cd "C:\Program Files\AccuSQL2019"
3. And now type "regsvr32 Mindseyereportenginepro1.ocx" and press Enter. You will get a confirmation message that it succeeded:
4. And that's it! You should be good to go. Contact support at if you still have questions or issues that arise.