Accudemia: How do I use the Schedule Report feature?

Accudemia: How do I use the Schedule Report feature?


Accudemia allows for the easy implementation of automated reports. Specific users or entire groups can be selected to receive specific reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This article will explain how to select these users and send them scheduled reports.


1. Click the Reports link on the home page.

2. Select a report from the list on the left side of the screen.

3. Fill out the filter options, then click the Schedule Report button.

4. Enter a title for the report.

5. Select a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule for the report to run on.

6. Choose whether the recipients of the report will come from a primary email address or an entire group of users like "All active tutors."

7. If active instructors, active tutors, specific people, or specific email addresses were chosen (if not, skip this step), then reports can be tailored to each individual user.

Sending individual reports in this step will only send data relevant to each individual user. For example, if this was a report on student visits and "All active tutors" was chosen in step 6, then selecting "Send individual email to each tutor" will give each tutor a report on all the student visits they personally received. Otherwise, every tutor is going to receive a general report on student visits for the center or college.

Additionally, if "All active tutors" is selected in step 6, and "Send individual email to each student" is chosen in step 7, the tutors will receive a general report, but no students will receive an email because they weren't chosen as email recipients in step 6. Students must be added manually in step 6 via email or name.

8. Review that the information is correct, and then click the Finish button.

A confirmation message saying the report has been scheduled successfully should then appear.

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