Accudemia: How do I use the Accudemia Data Exchange (ADX)?
Accudemia comes with a tool called Accudemia Data Exchange (ADX). This tool imports information from CSV files into Accudemia so that widespread changes can be made faster. For example, rather than enrolling each student individually in Accudemia, ADX can enroll them all at once. The information in these files need to be configured in a specific way as explained by following this link. Once all the data has been checked in the CSV file, it can be imported into ADX and the changes then exported to Accudemia. This article will explain how to do this by importing student information as an example.
Only Administrators will be able to perform the actions in this article. Also, while this article is using student information as an example, ADX can also be used on tutors and instructors.
1. Create a new job in ADX, then locate the CSV file and click Next.
2. Match each column from the CSV file to the corresponding column in Accudemia, then click Next.
These actions are permanent. Data could be lost and become impossible to recover after importing a task. All import tasks should be double-checked to ensure that there are no mistakes.
3. Click on each hyperlink to double-check that everything is correct.
4. Ensure that the information is in the correct format and that there's no missing information, then click Next.
If any errors are found the job can be canceled with no negative repercussions. If this happens, go back to the CSV file and restart from the beginning.
5. Fill in the "Do not create new centers automatically" checkbox and click Next.
The other options on this screen will:
- Skip existent users - Only new users' information will be updated. Users already in Accudemia will be bypassed entirely.
- Generate a password for new users - If the User > password field in the CSV was blank, a new password will be created for that user.
- Inactivate students not being imported - Every student already in Accudemia that is not in the CSV file will be set as inactive.
6. Click on the "Registration/Enrollment" tab and choose from "Tutor Assignments" then click Next:
- Append to current assignment - New assignments in the CSV file will be added to the tutor assignments in Accudemia.
- Overwrite current assignment - New assignments in the CSV file will overwrite all tutor assignments in Accudemia.
- Overwrite current assignment and assign all imported tutors to all subject areas - New assignments in the CSV file will overwrite all tutor assignments in Accudemia, and all tutors will be paired with all Subject Areas.

There are a couple of optional choices that can be chosen as well:
- Overwrite students enrollment - All students' enrollments will be edited with the new information in the CSV file. If the additional "Drop all enrollments for students not being imported" option is enabled then all students' current enrollment will be deleted. Each student will need to be re-enrolled in the system.
- Overwrite instructors assignments - All instructors' assignments will be edited with the new information in the CSV file. If the additional "Drop all assignments for instructors not being imported" option is enabled then all instructors' current assignments will be deleted. Each instructor will need to be re-assigned to new assignments in the system.
7. Name the import and click Finish.
8. Locate the import using the name and click the "Run Job Now" to import the changes to Accudemia.
Go to the section "Schedule" and click the "Enable" option to be taken to Windows Scheduler. From here, this task can be run periodically.