Accudemia: How do I use ADX to make all Courses available/unavailable to all Centers?
Administrators can use the Accudemia Date Exchange (ADX) to set all (or only a few) Courses as available or unavailable to all Centers. Using ADX to do this is faster if the college has dozens or hundreds of Courses, as administrators would otherwise have to manually change the setting for every Course in Accudemia. This article will explain how to do this.
Managing the CSV file with the data.
1. Open the CSV file and include a column called "Subject Area is available in all Centers."
NOTE: This column will contain boolean values of 0 or 1. Enter 0's to make Courses not available to all Centers or enter 1's to make Courses available to all Centers.
2. Save the changes made.
Working with ADX
1. Open ADX and create a job (or edit a current job), then select the updated CSV file as a source.
2. Navigate to the "Choose a Data
Source" screen and match all columns on the right to the columns on the left.
Run the import job
1. Open a few Courses to check if they were successfully made available/unavailable to all Centers.
2. Click on the Course and look for "Available in all centers" under "Options."

If the boolean value set at the beginning of this article was set to 1, then this option should be enabled.