Accudemia: How do I set what days and times Virtual Kiosks are available?

Accudemia: How do I set what days and times Virtual Kiosks are available?


Administrators in Accudemia can specify which days of the week as well as what time Virtual Kiosks are available. This is to stop students from logging in when there are no staff available, like on the weekends or the evenings. There are two features to control when links are working, the "Drop-In Times" and "Drop-In Exceptions." Virtual Kiosk times are chosen using Drop-in Times, and exceptions to that schedule are made in "Drop-In Exceptions. For example, if a Virtual Kiosk is normally available 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, but there's a major holiday next Monday, that day can be placed in Drop-In Exceptions to close it off. This article will explain how to set up Drop-In Times and Drop-In Exceptions.


Setting up the Virtual Kiosk schedule

1. Navigate to Center Attendance > Virtual Sign-In > Drop-In Times.

2. Click + New Drop-In Time.

3. Fill out the following options:
  1. Select a Center.
  2. Choose which days of the week the Virtual Kiosk is available.
  3. Choose the times of day the Virtual Kiosk is available.

4. Review the page, then click Save Changes.

Setting up the exceptions

1. Navigate to Center Attendance > Virtual Sign-In > Drop-In Exceptions.

2. Click + New Drop-In Exception.

3. Fill out the following options:
  1. Select the Center.
  2. Choose the date and time the exception will take place and end.
  3. Choose whether the exception is being made to open or close the Virtual Kiosk.

4. Review the page, then click Save Changes.