Accudemia: How do I send individual email messages including the session comments?

Accudemia: How do I send individual email messages including the session comments?


In Accudemia, Tutors and Instructors can add information about specific sessions from the Session Logs  and the Session Comments feature. This article explains how to add those comments, how to retrieve information in a report, and the schedule it to be sent to all participants in these sessions.


STEP 1: How to leave a comment on a session log

  1. 1. Navigate to Centers > Session Logs section from the main menu in Accudemia.

  2. Select a log by ether:
    1. Placing a check in the checkbox beside it and clicking the Comments button
    2. While hovering over it with the mouse pointer and clicking the comment button that appears on the far right of the listing.

  3. Type in a comment in the available field and then click the  + Add comment button .

STEP 2: How to report on the Session Comments

  1. Click Reports on the main menu of Accudemia and then scroll down and click "Session Comments" report in the list:

  2. Use the Filter Results section as needed to narrow down the results. Then on the right, specify the Output Options for the file type you want the report (The options are PDF, XLS, CSV) to be created.  And to show the User ID or create a group from the students in the report, you can select those options using their respective checkboxes.

  3. Now click the View Report  button to preview the report immediately. Once satisfied with the report, go back to this page (using the back button on your browser), and click the Schedule Report  button at the top of this screen to produce a reoccurring report automatically at a later time.

  4. In order to schedule the report c lick on Schedule Report  and set a name for the scheduled report that is descriptive enough so you'll remember why you created it when viewing the list of these scheduled reports later.

    TIP:  Use a name that describes the report and the recurrence, like "Daily session comments" to more easily find the report in the future.

  5. Choose when the report updates Set when the report will update. Choose the frequency (Daily/Weekly/Monthly), as well as what time in the day it will report.

  6. Choosing recipients is the next step in this process. The Recipients step allows multiple options when sending specific information based on User status, like Instructors, Tutors, Students, etc. Also, if it needs to be sent to a group like "all active students," set the option to "specific people" or "specific email addresses." In the Report Options tab, there will be an option for Students. Review the recipient's list:
    1. Select "My primary email address" to type in an email address.
    2. Select "All active instructors" to send personalized reports to each instructor who appears in the report.
    3. Select "All active tutors" to send personalized reports to each tutor who appears in the report.
    4. Select "Specific people" to select a list of people as the target of the report.
    5. Select "Specific email addresses" to select a list of emails as the target of the report.

    6. Finally, select the Reporting Options by enabling each option needed.

    7. Review the Scheduled Report settings. The last screen will show all of the report's details. Click the  Finish button  to complete this process or click the  Previous button  to go back and make changes.

      TIP: You can edit these settings later as needed, but just to avoid issues with these going out we recommend reviewing the summary of the scheduled report.