Accudemia: How do I restrict walk-ins based on my tutors' schedules?
In Accudemia, walk-ins are always allowed within the college's "Start Time" to its "End Time." However, there is a way to block off periods of time based on tutor availability. For example, if a student looks for a tutor on a Saturday but there are none online to help, the student will be stopped when trying to select a tutor. To do this, "tutor selection" must be made a mandatory step for walk-ins, and Accudemia must be told to only show tutors who are currently available. This article will explain how to make these changes.
1. Navigate to Administration > Control Panel.
2. Select the "Walk-Ins" module.
3. Select the Center as a scope and click View Settings.

Only one Center can be restricted at a time. To restrict other Centers, choose them as a scope.
4. Click "Tutors" on the left side of the screen and choose the following options:
- Selection - Required
- Availability - Use Schedule Information
5. Scroll back to the top of the screen and click Save Changes.