Accudemia-How do I provide extended time appointments for some students?

Accudemia-How do I provide extended time appointments for some students?


In Accudemia, usually, there is a set schedule during the today to create appointments, however, there might be some occasions we need to provide extended hours appointments to some students, in this article we describe a possible solution for this.


1 - Create a Course that we can call "Extended Hours" and we can link ONLY  to those tutors that will participate in the extended hours' activities AND to those students who can take advantage of these extended hours.

2 - Create time-blocks for those tutors that are only available for the "Extended Hours" course.

3 - IF we need to restrict further that some students will only work with certain tutors we can create a Tutor-Student restriction:


4 - Try the solution login as one of the selected students that are enrolled in this Course to see if they are able to see the blocks of times and select them.