Accudemia: How do I prevent student/tutors from being deactivated using ADX?
When using ADX to run imports in Accudemia, administrators can deactivate students that are no longer with the college or finished a term. However, hybrid students that are also instructors can accidentally be deactivated as well. These users may not appear as students in the files, but because they're hybrid students, the system will still recognize them as students and potentially stop them from using the system. This article will explain how to avoid this.
1. Add a column labeled "Instructor Active" (Column S in the spreadsheet) for the instructors and map it to the corresponding Accudemia field.

Hybrid users (students that are also instructors) will still appear in that column even if the user does not appear in the import AS student. As
long as the user appears in the import AS instructors and they have a "1"
in that field, it will remain active.
2. The following image contains the mappings used for the "Active" columns.