Accudemia: How do I manually create new Centers/classrooms/location groups?
New Centers, classrooms, and location groups can be created by administrators in Accudemia through the "Centers & Classrooms" screen. This article will explain how to create them.
WARNING: If the administrators run an
import from ADX, all newly created Centers/classrooms/location groups could be erased. Contact the administrators to add these new options to the CSV files used in imports.
1. Navigate to Administration > Centers & Classrooms.
2. Click the + New Location button.
3. Fill out the information on the "General" tab.
These are what the drop downs and text fields do on the General tab:
Location - Select where the Center/classroom/location group is going to
be located in the school's Accudemia account.
Type - Choose whether this is going to be a Center, classroom, or location group.
Name - Write a name for the Center/classroom/location group.
Description - A text description of what the Center/classroom/location is to help users better understand it.
All subject areas available - Enable to make this Center/classroom/location available under every subject area, rather than assigning it to a specific one.
Active - Enable to make the Center/classroom/location active so users can interact with it.
It's highly suggested to map out how the college will operate first. Location groups must be created first, as these are where the Centers and classrooms are located. Once the Centers and classrooms have been created, their location group cannot be changed.
4. Click the "Subject Areas" tab (if creating a Center) and choose which subject areas the Center will offer.
NOTE: If creating a location group, classroom, or "All subject areas available" was selected earlier, then the "Subject Areas" tab won't appear.
5. Click the "Services Tab" (if creating a Center) and choose what Services will be offered.
NOTE: The following are descriptions of the buttons on this page, as well as how to add a new Service.
Click the Toggle Active button to enable or disable an offered Service. Inactive Services can only be used for reports.
Click the + Add button to create a new Service or double click on an already existing Service to edit it.
Name: Write the name of the Service.
Skip waiting line: Enabling will automatically sign in users who request this Service, rather than sending them to a waiting line.
Hide suggestion from new appointment screen: Enable to allow this Service for appointments.
Allow online sign-in for appointments: Enable to make this an online Service.
6. Click Accept if creating a new Service, then click Save Changes.
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