Accudemia: How do I manage accounts linked to Outlook 365's Calendar?

Accudemia: How do I manage accounts linked to Outlook 365's Calendar?


Administrators can manage all the accounts in Accudemia that have been linked to Outlook 365 calendars. This article will explain how to view and remove these account connections if blocking them from making appointments. You could check to see if the Tutor has connected their Outlook 365 Calendar to Accudemia as this sometimes can block off their available time as a troubleshooting step.

For instructions on how Tutors can reconnect Outlook 365 to Accudemia accounts, click here. Of course, you want to let them know they cannot mark anything as "busy" during their tutoring hours or it will block those times from their calendar.  Some use a secondary calendar for Accudemia appointments to avoid this issue.


1. To do this as an Admin, click on the Administration > Advanced > External Calendar Integration section from the main menu of Accudemia.

2. In this list, you can see all tutors that have connected their calendars, similar to this example:

Accounts can be disconnected from Office 365's Calendar by clicking the Disconnect button to the right of the account.
3. You can only disconnect their calendar on this screen.


If you perform these steps, after you can test the appointment scheduling again to see if they still cannot be scheduled during their booking times from their availability.  If everything looks good now, then you want to warn them that when connecting their Outlook 365 account they need to be sure that they are not using a calendar that would block off times they should be available for tutoring.