Accudemia: How do I give tutors the permission to take students from the waiting line and send them to other tutors?

Accudemia: How do I give tutors the permission to take students from the waiting line and send them to other tutors?


Tutors in Accudemia can be given the ability to circumvent the virtual waiting lines by administrators. Normally, when a student signs in to a Center to receive tutoring, they choose a specific tutor to wait in a virtual line for. If it's a busy day, specific tutors can be given the "Intake System Administrator" permission which allows them to manually assign students to another available tutor so the student can receive help faster. This article will explain how to give a tutor the Intake System Administrator permission, as well as how a tutor assigns a student to another tutor.


1. Navigate to Administration > User Accounts.

2. Use the search tool on the left to help find the tutor, and click on their name.

3. Select the "Security" tab, then scroll down to the bottom and enable the "System User" role.

4. Scroll down and enable the "Intake System Administrator" permission, then scroll back up and click Save Changes.

This tutor will now have the permissions needed to assign students in the virtual waiting line to a separate tutor.

How to send students to a different tutor from the waiting line

1. Find the student in the virtual waiting line, select the box beside their name, then click Sign In Students.

2. Select "Other tutor," choose a separate tutor from the list, then click Sign In Student.

This student will immediately be sent to the designated tutor rather than waiting for the original tutor they signed in to meet.