Accudemia: How do I fix the "The waiting line seems to be stuck" error?

Accudemia: How do I fix the "The waiting line seems to be stuck" error?


In Accudemia, the waiting line feature (when enabled) is a virtual queue that students wait in until they're selected by a tutor. This stops tutoring sessions from being interrupted every time a student clicks on a tutor's meeting link and helps to facilitate more personalized care with each student. The waiting line is a great feature, but it needs to be refreshed once a day. If a student's profile remains logged in the waiting line for several hours, it creates an error, "The waiting line seems to be stuck. Please contact a center administrator." This article will explain how to fix this error.


1. Navigate to Center Attendance > Manage Center .

2. Select the Center in the "Location" dropdown menu on the left side of the screen.

3. Under the "Waiting" list, check the box beside every student profile and click either the Sign In Students or Remove from Line button.

Now that the waiting room is clear, the error should be resolved.