Accudemia: How do I enable/disable the virtual waiting line?
Administrators in Accudemia can enable or disable the virtual waiting lines students are placed in before seeing a tutor. Waiting lines are typically used to control the flow of students entering tutor meeting rooms. This is to avoid situations where a tutor suddenly finds three additional students appearing in a meeting when they're in the middle of helping another student. It also allows instructors/other tutors the opportunity to match students in the waiting line with specific tutors that may be able to better help them. This article will explain how to enable/disable the virtual waiting line.
1. Navigate to Center Attendance > Manage Center.
2. Choose a Center from the "Location" portion of the search tool.
3. Click on the cog icon on the top-right of the screen and choose to enable/disable the waiting line.
NOTE: If the Waiting List is enabled, a list of waiting students will be visible on the main screen.
TIP: You can also enable "Calling notes" so the student can you contact details and a "Enter Cell Phone" option.
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