1. Log into Accudemia.
2. From the main menu click Administration > Campus Setup > Locations.
3. In the list, click on the center's name to edit.
Note: You can use the left-side filters to find the exact center that you are looking for in the list.
4. Click on the Services tab at the top of the center edit screen.
Note: While editing this center you can inactivate the center itself by unchecking the Active checkbox if this center will not be used any longer to track student visits.
To Edit Services
1. Select the service you want to edit. Click the Edit button to edit the service.
2. Update the name of the service, modalities, and other options. When done, click Accept.
4. Finally, be sure to click Save Changes (on the top-right) before exiting the Center edit screen.
To Inactivate a Service
1. First, select the service in the list that you want to inactivate.
2. Click the Toggle Active button at the top while editing the center.
3. A message will appear confirming that the service is no longer active but not yet saved.
4. Finally, be sure to click Save Changes (on the top-right) before exiting the Center edit screen.