Accudemia: How do I display "All Tutors" or "Only Available Tutors" to students in the Waiting line or Intake System?

Accudemia: How do I display "All Tutors" or "Only Available Tutors" to students in the Waiting line or Intake System?


Accudemia allows administrators to choose how tutors are visible to students that sign into a sign-in station. This can range from showing them every tutor in the college's account to only the ones signed in at the center. This article will explain how to set which tutors are visible to students.


1. Log into Accudemia with your admin credentials and navigate to the Administration > Control Panel > General section from the main menu.

2. Choose either a specific center or the entire college as the scope.

3. Click "Intake System" on the left side of the screen, then choose from the "Tutor availability" options in the dropdown menu:
  1. User Schedule Information - Only shows tutors scheduled at the Center.
  2. Show Signed-in Only - Shows all tutors signed into the Center.
  3. Show Everyone - Shows every tutor in the college's Accudemia account (Typically only used by colleges with a Single-Center license).

4. Once finished, scroll to the top of this screen and click the Save Changes button.