Accudemia: How do I create surveys?

Accudemia: How do I create surveys?


Administrators can create surveys in Accudemia to take feedback from both students and staff about Centers, services, tutors, or subject areas. This article will explain how to create a survey.


1. Navigate to Administration > Surveys.

2. Click the + New Survey button.

3. Customize the survey using the options on the "General Information" tab.

Survey Options
  1. Survey Name - The name of the survey. This is also used to locate the survey in administration reports.
  2. Display to User - Choose whether the survey will be sent once, repeatedly on a schedule, or on-demand to User Groups.
  3. Survey Event - Choose whether the survey will trigger when using a sign-in station at the college, or when logging in to Accudemia at home.
  4. Sign in Basis - Choose what the user will have to interact with to trigger the survey.
  5. Show at - Choose when the survey will be displayed. Either when the user signs in to Accudemia, or when they sign in/sign out of a Center.
  6. Show to - Choose what type of user will see this survey.

Advanced Settings

Show on - Choose how many visits must be made before the survey appears.
Reminder After - Choose whether the survey will appear after a chosen number of days.
Force Answer After - Choose whether to force an answer after a chosen number of days.
Start Date - Choose when the survey will become available.
End Date - Choose when the survey will stop.

4. Click on the "Questionnaire" tab and begin creating the questions for the survey.

Begin by naming the survey by clicking "Edit Survey Title." Then click Add New Page. Here, the page title and description can be edited, and questions can be added to this page of the survey by clicking the Add Question button. Additional pages can be added if needed.

When adding a question, it can be made Open Text where the user writes their own answer, Multiple Choice where they choose from a set of created answers, or a Label can be added to provide an additional explanation for the question. Enabling the "Answer Required" box will force users to answer the question.

5. Click and fill out the information on the filters tab (either Center, Services, Tutors, Subject Areas depending on what was chosen on the sign in basis).

The information on this final panel will change depending on what the sign in basis is. If "Center" was chosen, then a list of Centers will appear. Select which Center this survey should be triggered in.

However, if "Service" was chosen, then a list of available services will appear. Choose which service will trigger this survey.

For "Tutors" and "Subject Areas" the same logic applies. Choose which of them will trigger this survey into appearing for the user.

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