Administrators can set Accudemia up to ask tutors what task they're working on when they log in. This feature can be implemented to affect every tutor in the college, or only the ones working in specific Centers. This article will explain how to create tasks and how to enable them for tutors.
How to create tasks
1. Navigate to Administration > Tasks.
2. Click the + New Task button on the top right corner of the screen.
3. Fill out the text fields on the page before clicking Save Changes:
- Name: Enter a name for the Task; this is required.
- Description: Enter a description for the Task; this is optional.
- Available in all Centers: Enable this option to make this Task available in all Centers, or disable it and click on the "Centers" tab that will appear above to choose which Center(s) will use the Task.
Active: Select whether this Task is currently active or inactive.
4. Create as many tasks as needed, then review the list when finished.
Enable the Task feature for tutors
1. Navigate to Administration > Control Panel.
2. Select the "Walks-Ins" module, choose either a Center or the entire college as a scope, then click View Settings.
Choosing the college as a scope will make tutors from every Center choose a task when they sign in. To make this feature apply to specific Centers, choose a single Center as the scope and repeat this process for each Center that should have the feature.
3. Click "Tutors" on the left side of the screen, then enable the "Ask tutors to select a task" feature.
4. Scroll back to the top of the screen and click Save Changes.