Accudemia: How do I create a Tutoring Assessment?

Accudemia: How do I create a Tutoring Assessment?


Administrators can create tutoring assessments in Accudemia. These are designed for students to offer their input on how a meeting with a tutor, advisor, or other staff went. This article will explain how to create one of these assessments for students to use.


1. Navigate to Center Attendance > Tutoring Assessment on the home page.

2. Click the + New Form button.

3. Fill in the following on the "Create Tutoring Assessment Form" popup page:

General Information
  1. Name - The name that students will click on as a link to access the assessment.
  2. Location - Which Center this assessment is for (a specific Center has to be chosen.)
  3. Active - Enabling this will make the assessment viewable to students.

NOTE: Only one assessment can be active per Center at a time. If there is another assessment that is currently "Active" then it will need to be deactivated before a new assessment can be marked as "Active." Students will only see the one assessment marked as active.

Survey Designer
  1. Edit Page Title - This is the title of the Assessment that will appear at the top of the assessment.
  2. Edit Description - The description of what the assessment is trying to achieve.
  3. Edit Question - Changes the wording of a question.
  4. Add Question - Creates an additional question for students to answer.

4. Once finished, click the Save Changes button.