Accudemia: How do I clear a student's no-shows or cancellations so they can book appointments again?
Accudemia allows Appointment Administrators to forgive student appointment cancellations or no-shows. They can do this by voiding the "Cancellation" or "No-show" status on a missed appointment by offering a valid excuse for the absence. This lifts the restriction Accudemia puts on these students and allows them to schedule appointments again on their accounts. This article will explain how to void a missed student appointment.

NOTE: Admins will need to have Appointment Administrator permissions to have access to the Void button on the appointments screen.
1. Navigate to Center Attendance > Appointments > View All on the home page.
2. User the search options to find the student's account.

Filling in the "Show Canceled" checkbox may also locate the student's appointment faster.
3. Select the appointments that need their "No-show" or "Cancellation" statuses voided.
4. Click the Void button, enter an excuse in the pop-up screen, then click Accept.
NOTE: Voiding these appointments will allow these students to schedule more appointments on their own accounts.